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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Fawad denies Vawda’s claim about PM being ‘unaware’ of agreement with proscribed outfit

Says “whatever agreements are signed by the government are signed with the prime minister’s approval”.
Says only Vawda would know why he assumed PM Imran Khan is unaware about agreement.
Says “Vawda is not a part of the cabinet” so he might be unaware of the matter.

Federal Minister Fawad for Information and Broadcasting Fawad Chaudhry has denied the statement of PTI Senator Faisal Vawda about Prime Minister Iman Khan being unaware of the agreement signed between the proscribed Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) and the government.

Vawda, while speaking at a private TV channel’s show Wednesday night, had claimed that PM Imran Khan was in the dark about the “developments”, when asked why the government had agreed to the proscribed outfit’s demand to send the French ambassador packing.

Today, Chaudhry in a programme of another private TV channel’s show, said “whatever agreements are signed by the government are signed with the prime minister’s approval and knowledge”.

When asked why Vawada would issue such a statement, Chaudhry said only Vawda would know why he assumed the prime minister was unaware of the agreement and its provisions.

He said “Vawda is not part of the cabinet” so he might be unaware of the matter.

Earlier on Wednesday, Vawda had said that the ministers who had entered into an agreement with the proscribed TLP should take responsibility for the ongoing situation instead of shifting its onus on the prime minister.
Taking to Twitter, the senator wrote that “force is not the solution to any conflict”.

“An immediate solution to this problem can be found by inviting the imam of the Holy Ka’aba and the trustee of the Holy Shrine of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and later all Muslim countries can come together to find a permanent solution to [such issues],” Vawda said.

The senator, however, deleted the tweet later.

Fawad denies Vawdas claim about PM being unaware of agreement with proscribed outfit
‘Govt will abide by agreement signed with proscribed organisation’: Rasheed
On the other hand, Federal Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed, while addressing a press conference in Islamabad earlier, had said in response to a question that the government had signed an agreement with the proscribed organisation and it will abide by it.

He said the government tried holding talks with the TLP and kept its word, but “the TLP broke its promises.”

“The government has to establish its writ as it is not happy about the loss of human lives,” he had said.

The minister added that since the ambassador of France is not present in Pakistan, the proscribed organisation seems to have “another agenda” — as one of their demands from the government was the expulsion of the said envoy.

“The TLP has turned into a militant organisation as its members had opened fire on policemen using Kalashnikovs, leading to the martyrdom of four policemen.”

“I am still warning protesters to return home,” Rasheed said, adding that the government cannot keep schools and hospitals closed due to the protests.

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