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Doctors stop Nawaz Sharif from travelling, say medical report submitted to LHC

Nawaz Sharif advised against traveling, visiting public spaces – airports and other crowded places – due to coronavirus pandemic.
There was an issue of blood supply to Nawaz’s heart, therefore, he should stay in London near his hospital, says medical report.
Report submitted a week after UK government rejected a plea filed by Nawaz seeking an extension for his stay in London.

LAHORE: Doctors have stopped PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif from traveling and visiting public places as he is suffering from heart and kidney ailments, said his fresh medical report submitted to the Lahore High Court (LHC), The News reported.

According to the three-page report signed by Dr David Lawrence, a cardiothoracic surgeon, Nawaz is suffering from heart and kidney diseases as well as diabetes and has been advised against traveling, visiting public spaces – airports and planes –and other crowded places due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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The medical report issued on July 8 further said there was an issue of blood supply to Nawaz’s heart, therefore, he has to take more precautionary measures and should stay in London near his hospital.

The report has been submitted a week after the UK government rejected a plea filed by Nawaz seeking an extension for his stay in London.

In the report, Dr Lawrence said Nawaz is under his “treatment and medical supervision intermittently since 2016″ when he performed a coronary artery bypass surgery on the former premier. At present, an experienced team of haematologists at the Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital and the cardiologists at the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital are looking after the former prime minister in London, the report added. “Prior to this latest referral, [Nawaz] Sharif has been getting treatment here in London for many years,” it said.

“In November 2019, he was referred for treatment because of unavailability of specific expertise, technologies and techniques to treat his diseases along with co-morbidities and associated complications,” the report said, adding that Nawaz has “complex and complicated” medical issues.

“Great care needs to be exercised in dealing with each of the disease and co-morbidities he is suffering from to maintain the right balance,” Dr Lawrence wrote in the report.

The medical report further said: “In London, [Nawaz] Sharif underwent extensive medical investigations and scans, including periodic laboratory assays – Rubidium-82 Cardiac Perfusion PET-CT scan (Rest & Stress), echocardiogram and 24-hour Holter analysis”.

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