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Why is the Middle East important to the West?

Pak Sahafat – America and some western countries that have used the term “Middle East” for this part of the world due to their geographical location, consider West Asia as a bridge to achieve their interests and goals. Edward Saeed says that the West has been looking at this region for centuries as a source of income and fulfillment of its hegemonic goals.

Where is West Asia and why is this term used? “East Asia” refers to which regions? We must know the geographical location of these two parts well. Russia is located in “Northern Eurasia” and a large part of Turkey is located in “Asia” and a small part of it is located in “Continent of Europe”. In addition, Iran and Japan are located in “West Asia” and “East Asia”, respectively.

Edward Saeed’s view of West Asia

“Edward Saeed, a Palestinian-American thinker” in the book “Orientalism” examines the views of Westerners and believes that the West has created the term “Middle East” in the course of expanding its geopolitical awareness. Europeans see the world as two unequal hemispheres, the West and the East, and the relationship between these two regions is considered to be a relationship of power, dominance and various degrees of “complex hegemony”. “Benjamin Disraeli” the British politician stated that European and Western historians, scholars, researchers, leaders, artists, merchants and businessmen look at West Asia as a “career path and profession” or in other words, a “source of income”. In fact, it must be said that they are abusing the region to achieve their interests and goals, and to understand the truth of this issue, you should follow the development theory of the “Eastern Geopolitical Approach”.

The strategic position of West Asia for Westerners

From the past until today, strategic and important areas in West Asia, especially Jerusalem, Damascus, Cairo and Baghdad, have been of great benefit to Europeans, and crusaders, kings, princes, knights, officers and soldiers are constantly trying to capture this part. Take off After the Arab and Islamic countries were conquered by the “Ottomans” in the 16th century, Western Asia became the land of the “Ottoman Turks” for the Europeans, who seriously threatened their security by occupying the western borders.

Inventing the geographical terms Near East and Far East

When the Europeans began their conflicts in China in the 19th century, they concluded that the Asian regions would provide them with all their goals. For this reason, the geographical term “Near East” or “Near East” was used to refer to Western Asia and the “Far East” was chosen for East Asia.

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In the middle of the 19th century, the British introduced a new concept and also decided to take control of India. Asian countries have made the Europeans rich and reformed the “Middle East” according to their geographical location, as a region stretching from the “Red Sea” to the “British Empire” in India.

Getting to know the West Asian region

West Asia has been called the following regions since the past:

Countries located in the Arabian Peninsula: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Kuwait

Mesopotamia: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine

Turkey, Iran, Cyprus and Egypt

The Zionist regime was established on May 14, 1948 with the British conspiracy and the killing of Palestinians and their expulsion from the motherland, and although it does not include a number of features such as language, religion, history and common culture that the countries of West Asia have, but due to the location It is considered geographically in the region, in West Asia.

In their speeches, the French use “Near East” and “Far East” and do not consider African countries except these regions, and they intended to separate West Asia from North Africa (MENA). After the end of the Second World War and the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, the British and the French left the region, and the Americans were looking for another ally in the entire region and withdrew their definition of the Middle East, which previously included the countries occupied by Britain and France.

America’s Great Middle East plan to control the region

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union on December 26, 1991, the United States became the only superpower in the world, and at that time, the political term “Greater Middle East” was coined in 2004 by Condoleezza Rice, the 66th Secretary of State of the United States and the second Secretary of State in this position.

From the past, this term has referred to 22 Arab countries, Cyprus, Turkey, the Zionist regime, Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, and currently it also includes the countries of West Asia and North Africa. This region has always been one of the sinister goals of America and still Washington intends to control the region through military, political and economic measures and plunder its resources.

America’s plan to dominate the Greater Middle East did not go well for several reasons, perhaps the most important of which was the “Arab Spring Movement” in 2010, which led to the fall of many rulers in the region.

But many experts still believe that Washington has not abandoned the Greater Middle East plan to fragment the countries of the region and change their political regimes, but this plan has had ups and downs.

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