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Sunday, May 19, 2024

These are the days of a baby-killing regime

Pak Sahafat – Occupied territories have become involved and have new and thought-provoking developments, and the life of government is short and the prime ministers are in a hurry to rule the government.

Naftali Bennett has resigned as the head of the government and Yair Lapid, his ally in overthrowing the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, is in charge of the government until the new elections are held, and the level of security warnings is at the highest levels in the occupied territories.

Observers of the developments of this regime believe that the new parliamentary elections in early November will not give political parties even a fragile majority to form a stable government.

Countless explosions and disturbances have inflamed and protested this artificial and rootless society. Considering the increasing course of these events and occurrences, some points can be made about today and tomorrow of this child-killing regime.

The nation in the true sense has never been formed in the occupied territories. Different groups from all over the world with different backgrounds, views and lifestyles have gone to the occupied land, and the only thing that unites them and makes them the same story was the occupation and possession of the land and the right to live of the original inhabitants of the Palestinian land.

Now, after almost eight decades of this presence and occupation and influx of Zionists from different parts of the world, the internal cracks of the Zionist society have become more obvious and irreparable than ever.

Orthodox Jews, or “Haredim” as they are called in rumors, form a relatively significant part of the Zionist community. This group, with the maximum reading of the religion, is only engaged in studying religious sciences, procreating and having numerous children, as well as using special budget lines in the Zionist government.

Most of these groups play an effective role in rampant violence and crimes in the occupied territories. On the other hand, the more active parts of the Zionist society do not understand this issue and are protesting why a group should use the place of tax on their work and earnings and engage in immorality and evil.

The Zionists living in the occupied territories consist of two categories: Eastern Jews (Safaradi) and Western Jews (Ashkenazi). From the beginning of this illegitimate existence, Western Zionists or Ashkenazis have had the upper hand in the politics, economy and culture of this regime.

The higher education and economic level of this group has led to taking over the key positions of this regime. For nearly two decades, due to the presence and effective emergence of the flow of resistance and failure and the internal crises of the Zionist regime, the wave of immigration of Ashkenazi Zionists has decreased drastically and has even taken a reverse trend. The high birth rate of Sephardi people, along with the migration of this group to the occupied lands, has changed the nature of power and politics in the occupied Sephardi lands. The likes of Benjamin Netanyahu, Tzipi Livni, Ehud Olmert, Avigdor Lieberman and Moshe Katsava are examples of such Zionists.

Read more:

Jerusalem Post: The level of political discourse among Israeli leaders has reached “vulgar”

Because of its origins and of course, this group has polarized the politics in this land and caused more divisions, deep crises and of course madness and suicide among the Zionists and has accelerated the decline and decay of the child killing regime.

The Arab-Palestinian population living in the occupied territories constitutes a large fraction of the population. The Zionists thought that they could cut the connection of this group with the roots and the land of their ancestors and the relationship of these Palestinians with the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and destroy Ramallah, or to solve them, step into the Zionist society as second-class citizens.

But the truth and attachment of this group to their fellow countrymen showed itself well and the operations of the invaders in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah and the fierce resistance of the residents and the request for help from Hamas and of course the Islamic resistance showed that this project has completely failed.

In addition to this, the martyrdom-seeking attacks of the residents of the occupied territories against the Zionists is another manifestation of the comprehensive failure of the Zionists’ community building project among themselves and of course the Arab residents of the occupied territories. Even Mansoor Abbas, a dentist and the leader of the Ram Arab party in the Zionist regime’s parliament (Knesset), found that there is no difference between Netanyahu and Bent and others, and left the parliamentary coalition supporting the Bent-Lapid couple.

The unresolved divisions within the Zionist society are such that the formation of a government has become almost impossible. Shaking and hasty governments are a story of decay, decay and the imminent destruction of the spider’s house.

In the meantime, the leaders of this regime are trying to cover up their internal crises by showing their teeth for the Islamic Republic of Iran. Carrying out some subversive actions and martyring a number of compatriots has been part of these actions of this regime to outsource its structural crisis.

Trying to create a formidable and far-reaching effect of the intelligence organizations and terror squads of this regime is another aspect of the propaganda of this rotten structure to retouch and retouch its own ruins.

But now the people of Nazar are raising this question, how can a regime that claims such amazing intelligence and operational power not ground the Islamic resistance by its own ear, and it got to the point where the former Prime Minister Naftali Bint asked all the citizens of this regime. Arm them for self-defense?

Pay attention, in these years and at the closest distance to the Zionists, the Islamic resistance of Lebanon turned from a young sapling into a strong tree, the impact of which was felt by the Zionists and their allies in the 33-day war and other events.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is more powerful than the fake and child-killing regime can compete with. According to the narration of Saadi Shirazi, “Fly, the field of Simorgh is not yours/you are giving your opinion and you are bothering us”

Not long ago, Zionist analyst Manouche Amir (real name Manouchehr Sachmechi) said in an interview: “Iran has acquired nuclear knowledge and other necessary knowledge, and this is a fact that no prime minister in the Zionist regime can change. “.

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