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Monday, June 17, 2024

Iran seeks complete lifting of sanctions / Tehran talks from a position of power

The famous analyst of the Arab world wrote in an article in the newspaper “Rai Al-Youm”: Tehran is seeking the complete lifting of anti-Iranian sanctions through its participation in the Vienna nuclear talks.

According to Pak Sahafat news agency, Abdul Bari Atwan, a well-known Arab analyst, published an article in the Rai Al-Youm newspaper examining the nuclear talks between Iran and Western countries in Vienna.

In his article in this regard, he has stated: The Vienna talks between the Iranian and Western sides began on Monday. The talks came at a time when the Zionist regime seems to be deeply concerned.

According to the report, Atwan also stated in his article: Iranian officials have made their position clear before entering the Vienna talks. As Ali Bagheri, the political deputy foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the head of the Iranian negotiating team, has stated, Tehran’s main goal in participating in the Vienna nuclear talks is the complete lifting of anti-Iranian sanctions.

This famous analyst of the Arab world is also mentioned in the following: The Islamic Republic of Iran insists that the Americans and Westerners take the first step towards a bilateral agreement. In fact, Tehran wants assurances that the United States will not withdraw from any possible future agreement.

Read more: Atwan: Is the joint agreement between Jordan, the UAE and Israel the first step in implementing the “deal of the century”?: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=15969

Atwan also added: Iran believes that the guarantee provided should be such as to prevent even the next US administration from withdrawing from a possible future agreement. The imposition of these terms and conditions by Iran shows that Tehran has entered Vienna from a position of power. The terms and conditions mentioned above can have no meaning other than what I have mentioned.

The Arabic-speaking figure further emphasized: The Islamic Republic of Iran has rejected any direct talks with the US delegation during the Vienna talks. The Americans themselves have acknowledged that the Iranian negotiating team is not willing to negotiate directly with them. What should be noted is that the approach of the current government of the Islamic Republic of Iran headed by Ebrahim Ra’isi in the nuclear negotiations is completely different from the approach of the previous government headed by Hassan Rouhani.

Atwan further reminded: We must accept the fact that Iran is a political and military power today. In the near future, this country will become an economic power. Over the years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been able to neutralize the impact of many of the sanctions imposed on it by the United States and Western countries.

He added: The issue now is not the failure or success of the Vienna talks. The problem is that Iran will not give in to pressure in the negotiations and will insist on its previous positions. Iran is now in a position of power. Despite numerous foreign efforts, the Islamic Republic of Iran never leaves its allies in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Palestine and Lebanon alone.

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