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Monday, June 17, 2024

How did the Syrian earthquake show the peak of America’s scandal?

Pak Sahafat – Rai Alyoum newspaper published a note on how last week’s earthquake disgraced the ugly face of America and the Arab media that tried to beautify the cruel siege of Syria.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, these days, the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched a strong campaign through many Arab TV channels, especially the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf and social networks, in an effort to repair its ugly and criminal image due to the siege of the Syrian people. By claiming that the sanctions on Syria and the so-called “Caesar” law do not prevent humanitarian aid from entering this country after the earthquake that killed thousands of Syrians, all of whom were in the northern regions under the rule of the Syrian government.

Abdulbari Atwan, the editor of the trans-regional newspaper “Rai Alyoum” published in London, referring to this issue, wrote: Issuing such a statement by the US Department of State means admitting to committing such a crime [against the Syrian people] and being aware of the discontent that prevails in most parts of the Arab and Islamic world as a result of adhering to these sanctions under the pretext of preventing aid donors to Syria. However, this misleading media campaign will not work, not because of the more than four-day delay in [earthquake relief], but because millions of Arabs and Muslims are exposed to American lies and simply cannot be fooled anymore. The ruling power in Syria is not buried under the rubble, but it is the Syrian people who are under siege under the pretext of protecting their rights and freedoms.

Atwan states: The United States, which occupies nearly a third of Syria’s territory, steals its oil, gas, and food wealth in the east and north of the Euphrates, and supports separatist groups, does not care about the Syrian people and their suffering; Just as he does not care about other Arab people and enjoys imposing sanctions on them with the aim of starving them and bringing them to their knees. In countries like Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Sudan, this method is used to force them to normalize relations [with the Zionist regime].

Read more:

Earthquake in Syria; The effect of cruel American sanctions against Damascus on the increase of earthquake victims

This note added: What is the harm that Palestine does to the United States that the United States is hostile to it and supports the occupation regime, its crimes and wars for 74 years. What mistake have the Iraqi people made to experience such an unprecedented siege in their history that led to the martyrdom of more than a million Iraqis, most of whom were women and children, and another million lost their lives after the invasion and occupation?

Atwan further wrote: The US government has allocated 85 million dollars to help the victims of Turkey and Syria. This figure is insignificant and it represents the humiliation of more than 100 million people of the population of the two earthquake-affected countries by the richest and largest country in the world. This figure is completely insignificant and incomparable with the figure allocated for the destruction of Syria. According to Donald Trump’s admission, 90 billion dollars have been allocated for the destruction of Syria, and four times this figure has been spent by his allies in the Persian Gulf.

He wrote: We don’t want your false and misleading exceptions. You are “prophets” of murder, destruction, starvation and division. You have nothing to do with humanity because you violate it every day with your policies, occupations and siding with real and corrupt murderers, occupiers and tyrants who do your bidding.

This note states: This earthquake, which took the lives of more than 25,000 of our people in Syria and our brothers in Turkey and we ask for mercy for all of them, has disgraced America and the governments and media that collude with it. Just as Syria disgraced governments when they were attacked by Iraq, it stood in their stronghold and buried the hypocritical Arab League under the rubble of the buildings of the destroyed lands, and showed the human face in its most beautiful form to the noble Arabs and Muslims who resolved their differences.

Atwan wrote in the end: History will call to account those who turned their backs on this tragedy and certainly justice will be done to all those who showed magnanimity, chivalry and decency and sent their planes and rescue teams and their media to support the bereaved brothers who were trapped in a fortress.

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