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Thursday, June 6, 2024

How did America’s Middle East strategy fail?

Pak Sahafat – America’s Middle East strategy, with characteristics such as supporting the Hebrew-Arab axis, regional coalition against Iran, extensive military presence in this geographical area in order to restrain China, has completely lost color with the agreement between Tehran and Riyadh, and now “endogenous security” is the most effective way to ensure security.

After the announcement of the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia with the mediation of China, the eyes were fixed on the White House and the Middle East strategy of this country; A country that targeted the Middle East with false pretenses in the post-World War II environment, especially in the early years of the third millennium, in order to advance multiple goals at the same time.

According to the think tank “Atlantic Council”, the main goal of the United States in the 1950s and 1960s was to prevent the expansion of the influence of the Soviet Union in the Persian Gulf. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and after the United States’ war against Iraq to liberate Kuwait in 1991, the United States established a significant military presence in the Middle East. The purpose of this military presence was to contain Iran and Iraq and to sign new peace agreements between Arab countries, Palestinians and Israel.

After the incident of September 11, 2001, the United States focused more on the fight against terrorism and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. In the same direction and based on false evidence that there is a program of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, America attacked Iraq in 2003. America had occupied Afghanistan 2 years before that in 2001 under the pretext of eradicating terrorism.

Read more:

Atwan: The agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia means the end of the dominance of America and the West in the region

In the end, the result was that America not only failed to eradicate terrorism, but also fueled the increase of terrorist movements, and after 2 decades, that is, the beginning of the Biden administration, he was forced to flee this country. In Iraq, America’s fake excuse about the existence of chemical weapons and mass murder was not hidden from anyone. In fact, the smell of oil and the greed of arms sales had opened America’s foot to this region.

Many signs indicate the failure of America’s regional strategy, which “Emil Hokaim”, an expert of the American think tank “International Institute for Strategic Studies”, points to a number of them and believes: The intensification of regional competition, the resurgence of Russia and the growing role of China in the Middle East are among the challenges facing America in the Middle East. In addition, what is worrying for Washington is the poor performance of the four traditional US allies in the region, namely Israel, Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, which compete or conflict with US strategic priorities.

In the current environment, in addition to the above-mentioned cases, the agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran with the mediation of America’s biggest rival should also be added to it; The incident that shot the bullet to the American Middle East strategy. Just as “Michael Doran”, the director of the Center for Peace and Security in the Middle East at the American think tank “Hudson” believes that China, by mediating between Iran and Saudi Arabia and establishing an agreement between the two countries, will remove America from its throne as the only strategic power.

Along with the end of the American order and the end of American hegemony and acting in the region, we should also take a special look at the role and position of Iran in the region. A country that showed the inefficiency of America’s “maximum pressure” campaign to the world, and Iran’s success in various fields, despite economic bottlenecks and political pressures, made Tehran accept its position in regional equations.

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