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How did America drive India away?

Pak Sahafat – US foreign policy approaches show that it does not respect other countries in the way they manage their internal affairs, this issue can encourage India to approach other countries against the United States.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report from the analysis base of the Indian diplomat, US policy in trying to align internationally with its economic and security goals has backfired; it seems that these policies are not compatible with the contemporary geopolitical challenges around the world.

US foreign policy has long sought to prevent any country from dominating the Eurasian landmass, which contains the majority of the world’s population and economic output, while there is no danger in the region.

The worldview of the US foreign policy establishment is more like a court of law (where laws are enforced and law breakers are punished to teach others a lesson) alliances when needed can be easily ignored as US diplomacy is traditionally based on interests The national plan of this country is planned. The utility of such a foreign policy was recently described as very little by former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, who added: Someone from a developing country told me, what we get from China is an airport, but what we get from the United States is just a speech.

Nevertheless, summers, like many in the US foreign policy establishment, clings to the notion that America is leading countries in the right direction of history, which presumably means a transnational world order based on shared values ​​and free trade. This perception will increasingly alienate India from the US, which Washington has long sought to support as a counterbalancing partner to China, particularly through initiatives such as the quadrilateral security dialogue known as QUAD.

Subraniyam Jaishenkar, Minister of Foreign Affairs of India, in his book “India’s Way: “Strategies for an Uncertain World” explains why. Expressing a view prevalent in India, he says that the notion of a globalized order and an invincible world led by the United States was merely a passing period of American unipolarity, and that the idea of ​​the end of history was the arrogant claim of the age of Pride, based on Eurocentric analysis. According to Jaishenkar, the reason for the return of history is nationalism, the result of which is an India that can approach the world with more self-confidence and realism.

Read more:

Indian Foreign Minister: America’s behavior forced New Delhi to turn towards Moscow

There are deep differences between the US and India, both on geopolitical issues and on values ​​in general, and the more the US tries to align India with its positions on these issues, the further it will alienate India.

India, like many countries, does not accept the Biden administration’s framework for dividing the world into competing blocs of democracies and autocracies.

In a broader sense, Indian and American societies interpret many values ​​differently. For example, both value freedom of speech, but the formal and social boundaries of this freedom are different in the two countries.

According to some global value surveys, India emphasizes traditional values ​​over personal autonomy more than the United States, and this is reflected in social laws and customs. However, since US foreign policy remains value-based, it may create friction with India and give the impression that the US is trying to interfere in India’s domestic politics and social norms.

Despite a shared democratic system, the US and India do not share the same worldview, US positions on Ukraine and Russia, as well as criticism of domestic developments in India (such as the expulsion of opposition MP Rahul Gandhi) all continue to alienate India from the US.

India sees itself as an ancient civilization with wide influence, reclaiming its rightful place on the world stage, interacting with other countries based on its own interests, and a country that does not need to learn from any other country how to conduct its internal affairs. A US foreign policy that does not respect this would bypass India and could help India join other countries in moving away from the US on various economic and geopolitical issues.

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