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Atwan: The West Bank is an increasing danger for the Zionist regime

Pak Sahafat – “Abdulbari Atwan”, a famous Arab writer and analyst, mentioned the West Bank as “a growing danger for the Zionist regime” in an article describing the security situation in the occupied territories.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, Abdulbari Atwan, the editor of the Rai Alyoum newspaper published in London, stated in this article that Israel’s security evaluations regarding the situation in the West Bank in terms of the intensification of the resistance actions have caused a very dark picture to be drawn in front of Tel Aviv and the leaders of the Zionist regime are greatly afraid.

This well-known analyst of the political issues of the Arab world, referring to the growing intifada in the West Bank, named it as the danger of the regime occupying Jerusalem, which may be even more dangerous for the Zionist leaders than Hezbollah and Iran, because according to Atwan, it weakens the foundations of the Zionist regime from the inside and also causes the security and stability of this regime to be crushed as the most important foundations of its fake existence.

Atwan further referred to the armed conflicts with the Zionist forces as “an ever-expanding and worrisome phenomenon in most cities and villages of the West Bank” for the Zionists, which is not limited to the cities of Jenin and Nablus, and in addition to the resistance forces, participation of Palestinian youth is increasing day by day.

The editor-in-chief of Rai Alyoum mentioning the new intifada of the Palestinians in the West Bank as a mixture of all the previous intifadas in the occupied territories, said that it has collected stones, Molotov cocktails and weapons of war and most of the participants in the intifada are people under the age of 25 who entered the field based on their personal beliefs and are not officially members of any group or organization.

According to Atvan, this indicates the failure of all the plans of the Israeli regime to destroy the resistance.

Read more:

Atwan: Resistance response to Zionist carnage is certain / the next war will end with the destruction of Israel

This famous Arab writer adds: In the past, the Zionist military raided Palestinian cities and camps and arrested any activists they wanted without any resistance or casualties, but now the scene has changed and these raids are met with stubborn resistance, and people who are going to be arrested, they will fight to the death using war bullets because they prefer to die instead of spending most of their lives in the prisons of the Zionist regime.

According to this report, the new cadres of young Palestinian leaders are closely following the internal situation of the occupied territories and have come to the firm belief that the Israeli regime is failing due to racism, religiousism, corruption and laziness, as well as the busyness of European allies and their Americans are collapsing from the inside to the war in Ukraine; they are fully convinced that the resistance should be intensified and they should speed up the collapse of the Zionist regime by using all possible methods.

According to Atvan, the Palestinian prisoners in the prisons of the Zionist regime have also come to this belief, and for this reason, they have intensified their resistance by going on a hunger strike in order to expose the Israeli regime’s human rights lies to the whole world.

In this regard, the editor-in-chief of Rai Alyoum mentioned Khalil al-Awaudeh, a Palestinian fighter who was able to realize his freedom after 173 days of strike.

“The available information proves that Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority, no longer has any active connection with the Fatah movement, and the youth and leaders of this movement are renewing their strength and returning to their original sources.”

According to the opinion of the editorial writer Rai Elyoum, the young people of the completely different new intifada that is forming in the West Bank do not believe in organizational divisions, and among all their cadres, cooperation and coordination, both material and weapons, is at its peak. Currently, there is no difference between the youth of the West Bank and their counterparts living in the occupied areas of 1948.

In the end of his editorial, Atwan emphasized that the West Bank these days is going through a decisive stage of historical transformation under the title of resistance, and this has caused an increase in the casualties of the Zionist regime and the weakening of the Tel Aviv regime inside.

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