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Monday, June 17, 2024

Atwan: Hezbollah’s power is the only reliable guarantee for the Lebanese in the border agreement

A prominent Arab-speaking analyst pointed out the points that should be taken into consideration in the draft demarcation agreement between Lebanon and occupied Palestine and emphasized that Hezbollah’s power is the only reliable guarantee for the Lebanese in this agreement.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, After the draft agreement in the border delimitation case between Lebanon and occupied Palestine was delivered to the Lebanese and Israeli authorities by the American envoy Amos Hockstein, there was an optimistic atmosphere about the possibility of this case coming to an end, and many emphasize that Lebanon has gained more points.

In this regard, “Abdul Bari Atwan”, a well-known analyst of the Arab world and the editor of the Ray-e-Ilyum newspaper, examined the mentioned case in his new article and wrote, the level of optimism in Lebanon has increased regarding the possibility of signing an agreement in the border delineation case with occupied Palestine, which allows the extraction of gas from Lebanese territorial waters. After the tripartite meeting yesterday between President Michel Aoun, Najib Mikati, Prime Minister of the interim government, and Nabiyeh Berri, Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, it became clear that the Lebanese have a unified position regarding the draft agreement prepared by Amos Hochstein.

Atwan added: Mr. Elias Bousab, the Deputy Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, said that the country will announce its unified view on the written proposal of the American side on Tuesday, but the Lebanese government will not have an official response until the American representative resolves Lebanon’s concerns about this proposal. It seems that the devils (America and Israel) are planning to make dubious moves in the details of the draft agreement, and the Lebanese side has insisted that it adheres to its full rights in Qana Square. Najib Mikati, who seems to be the most enthusiastic person in Lebanon to sign the border agreement, after leaving the Presidential Palace of Lebanon yesterday, with a deep smile on his face, said that things are going in the right direction in the maritime border delimitation case, and Lebanon can make billions of dollars in profit.

The noteworthy point is that the Lebanese side is more united and ready to sign the agreement, and this is a rare event in Lebanon since the country’s independence. The unified positions of the Lebanese are while on the other side, the Israelis have strong differences and these differences are between Yair Lapid, the Prime Minister of the Provisional Cabinet of the Zionist regime, and Benny Gantz, the Minister of War of this regime, and Benjamin Netanyahu, on the other hand. He is the former prime minister of Israel and head of the Likud party.

Abdulbari Atwan clarified that on the one hand, Yair Lapid says that Israel will maintain its full sovereignty over its field and that the French company Total, which is responsible for drilling in the Qana field for Lebanon, will compensate Israel in exchange for its withdrawal from this field. On the other hand, Netanyahu has intensified his attacks against Lapid and by criticizing the agreement in the maritime border demarcation case with Lebanon, he emphasizes that By doing this, Yair Lapid presented the natural resources of “Israel” (occupied Palestine) to Lebanon and Hezbollah, and he did not consult with the Knesset members and did not get their consent, and if he (Netanyahu) wins the Knesset elections in November.

There are some indicators that show that the Supreme Court of this regime may approve the opinion of the opponents of the aforementioned agreement. Uri Adiri, Israel’s chief negotiator in the maritime border demarcation case with Lebanon is among prominent Zionist officials who announced his resignation in protest of Yair Lapid’s management in the demarcation case. It seems that Adiri’s resignation was done as a result of pressure from the Likud party, and as observers believe, we may see similar resignations among Israelis in the coming days.

Atwan continued, also in Lebanon, some parties tried to criticize this agreement and consider it in line with the normalization with the Zionist regime, but these criticisms were immediately rejected by Mr. Elias Bousab and he emphasized that no direct agreement or treaty will be signing between Lebanon and Israel. Lebanon adheres to its position in carrying out the agreement to draw the borders, but the country’s response to the American proposal is completely independent and there will be no document in which the signature of the Lebanese side is next to the signature of the Israeli side.

Read more:

Al-Akhbar: Israel knows that it cannot bear the war with Hezbollah

This Arabic-speaking analyst further pointed out that, despite this, there are several points that should be taken into consideration before drawing conclusions about the aforementioned agreement:

– First, the final version of the American proposal regarding the demarcation agreement between Lebanon and occupied Palestine has not yet been agreed upon, and although the possibility of returning to the zero point in this case is very low, this possibility should not be ignored.

– America and France are the apparent guarantors of this agreement, and the experience of America withdrawing from the nuclear agreement with Iran after Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, took office in the White House shows that there is no trust in America’s guarantees.

– Benjamin Netanyahu is not able to cancel the demarcation agreement until it is legally implemented, but if he wins the Knesset elections, he can weaken the said agreement; Just as he could not cancel the Oslo agreement, which he strongly opposed, he prevented the implementation of its provisions and settled 800,000 Zionist settlers in Jerusalem and the West Bank during the past decades.

– This hypothesis cannot be ignored that these differences between the Zionists are just a game to buy time and deceive the Lebanese in order to contain the threats of the resistance. We should also not forget that America is the biggest supporter of Israel and Yair Lapid is one of the most prominent Zionists who support Washington in the war between Ukraine and Russia. We must not forget that Amos Hochstein is an Israeli of origin who was in the Zionist army and therefore cannot be neutral in the border demarcation case with Lebanon.

In the continuation of Atwan’s note, the only reliable guarantee of Lebanon in this agreement and the exploitation of its oil and gas resources and the security and stability of this country is Hezbollah and its huge arsenal of precision missiles and advanced drones and its hundreds of thousands of fighters who are ready to testify. Also, Hezbollah has a leader who is not afraid of making decisions for war, and for the first time in its fake history, the occupying regime was forced to make concessions under threats of weapons and fear of a war it does not want to enter.

At the end of his article, Abdul Bari Atwan wrote, “We do not want to predict future events and days, and that is why we must be extremely careful and say every word we want about the agreement on the demarcation case between Lebanon and occupied Palestine before the official signing of this agreement.” We must also remember that Netanyahu is a liar and has suffered many humiliating defeats from the resistance men in the Gaza Strip, especially in the Battle of Al-Quds Sword in May 2021.

Once again, we emphasize that whether the border demarcation agreement between Lebanon and the occupied Palestine comes to fruition or disintegrates, the resistance is the biggest winner of this case and has achieved many things for Lebanon with its missiles and drones, and is ready for any other option and possibility. Hezbollah provided all the necessary opportunities to the Lebanese government to restore the rights of this country in a peaceful way, but if Lebanon’s rights are not restored in this way, if Hezbollah resorts to force to defend the interests of its country, there is no blame on it.

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