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Monday, June 17, 2024

What was the sentence of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah that shook the limbs of the Zionists?

In his new article, Atwan examines the repeated miscalculations of the Zionists against the resistance and the dangerous sentence of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah for the Israeli enemy, and emphasizes that the position of the Zionist regime is eroding.

In his recent article, Abdul Bari Atwan, a prominent analyst in the Arab world and editor-in-chief of the Rai Al-Youm newspaper, addressed developments in the region, the events in Lebanon, the Israeli airstrikes against the southern regions, and Hezbollah’s missile response zionists rushed to the UN Security Council four times in ten days.

The power balance in the region have changed in favor of resistance

Abdul Bari Atwan continued his article stating that once in the Security Council, Israel complained about the alleged attack of the Islamic Republic of Iran on one of the ships of the Zionist regime in the Oman Sea and cried, and again after the Hezbollah missile attack on the occupied territories, to the Security Council and inter-institutional institutions. It is noteworthy that this in itself is strong evidence that the balance of power in the Middle East is changing and that the political and military credibility of the occupying Zionist regime is rapidly eroding.

The Lebanese resistance is never unaware of foreign threats

Abdul Bari Atwan added, anyone who follows Saturday night’s speech by Lebanese Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the victory over the Zionist enemy in the July 2006 war will notice that dozens of rockets fired by Hezbollah into the northern borders of occupied Palestine on Friday sent a very dangerous message to the enemy that the Lebanese Islamic Resistance, while addressing its internal affairs and trying to resolve them, will never ignore foreign threats, also, Lebanon’s internal affairs and the Israeli threat to Hezbollah are quite separate issues. In fact, Hezbollah responds immediately to any foreign aggression as much as it does in Lebanon’s internal affairs and in the interest of the country, and Lebanese airspace has no place for Zionist planes.

Miscalculation of the leaders of the Zionist regime

The article goes on to say that Israeli officials, both political and military, may have made a miscalculation for the tenth time or more; Because they thought that Hezbollah’s involvement in the internal Lebanese crisis would prevent it from responding to Israeli aggression; Just like the mistake that the Zionists made in the Gaza war with the Palestinian resistance.

Atwan added, then came Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and Hezbollah to expose the stupidity of Israeli military intelligence and analysts and generals claiming high experience.

Words chosen by Nasrullah

Atwan stressed the appropriate term used by the Hezbollah Secretary General refers to the size and strength of the resistance response equivalent to Israeli aggression, and the word proportion may mean eye for eye, tooth for tooth, house for house, martyr for killed, and missile for missile; As in recent rocket attacks, Hezbollah retaliated against the Zionists and targeted uninhabited areas.

Atwan added: Zionist fighters who previously carried out airstrikes, bombing Palestinian homes and killing civilians in response to incendiary balloons fired by resistance groups in the Gaza Strip have now been hit for fear of retaliatory response from all their missiles to empty areas in the Gaza Strip; As happened recently in southern Lebanon, the Zionist regime targeted vacant areas in southern Lebanon for fear of Hezbollah’s appropriate missile response.

According to this article, what frightens the Zionist authorities and settlers is the intensification of open fronts against them these days and the fact that the northern borders of occupied Palestine and Lebanon are similar to the borders of the Gaza Strip; Especially since Hezbollah is ready to respond quickly to any enemy aggression.

The psychological impact of resistance missiles and drones on Israel’s internal front

Abdul Bari Atwan further emphasized, but the psychological impact of these missiles and drones, which the axis of resistance fires at Israeli targets in occupied Palestine and elsewhere, is far greater and more important than the material damage or human casualties; Because it exposes the Zionist settlers’ trust in the army officials and the regime’s security and military institutions, and reveals the failure and failure of the ruling Zionist political leadership.

Hundreds of thousands of missiles are ready to respond to any Israeli stupidity

At the end of his article, Abdul Bari Atwan emphasized, “Is this the same Israel that ordered the invasion of the borders and the occupation of Arab lands in the Six-Day War with the Arabs?” Naftali Bennett and Zionist Chief of Staff Avio Kokhawi and Israeli War Minister Benny Gantes and their teacher Benjamin Netanyahu are well aware that hundreds of thousands of precision-guided missiles are ready to respond to any Israeli stupidity, and we look forward to the next round of missile confrontations.

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