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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Victory of a Palestinian captive in a 65-day hunger strike campaign

A Palestinian prisoner who went on a hunger strike 65 days ago to protest the extension of his illegal administrative detention was released tonight.

The Palestinian Prisoners of War Information Office announced that Al-Ghazanfar Abu Atwan, a Palestinian prisoner, was released after 65 days of fighting against the Zionist regime.

According to Al-Mayadin, Palestinian lawyer Javad Boules also confirmed that Abu Atwan’s administrative detention had been revoked and that the prisoner had been released tonight.

The Zionist regime captured Abu Atwan, a 28-year-old Palestinian citizen, in October 2020, changing his status to administrative detention and issuing two six-month administrative detention orders; but he went on a hunger strike on May 5 to protest his administrative detention.

Al-Maliki called on the international community to take immediate action to expose the Zionist regime and try to condemn more broadly the regime’s prison policies against prisoners, and said: The international community must work for the release of all Palestinian prisoners of war by supporting the demands of the Palestinian prisoners in order to end the policy of administrative detention.

The Secretary of State of the Palestinian Authority called on the members of the foreign diplomatic missions in Palestine to expose the violations of the Zionist regime.

Palestinian sources have reported in recent days that al-Ghazanfar Abu Atwan is in critical condition, and medical reports indicate that he faces three dangerous risks, including paralysis, chronic and incurable health problems, and sudden death.

Administrative detention is detention without notice of the charge and trial, the duration of each sentence is six months.

This is the second hunger strike of this Palestinian prisoner and he also went on a hunger strike in 2019.

About 5,300 Palestinians, including 40 women, 250 children and about 520 administrative detainees (without trial) are being held in Israeli prisons.

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