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Sunday, June 2, 2024

The trip of the Syrian delegation to Riyadh to reopen the embassy/appoint the representative of Syria in the Arab League

Pak Sahafat – At the same time as the Saudi technical team arrived in Syria headed by Ghazi Bin Rafi Al Anzi to reopen the embassy, ​​Damascus also sent a delegation headed by Mohammad Abu Sariyah, director of the legal department and international waters in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to Riyadh to provide the basis for the activity of the Damascus embassy in Riyadh.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report, sources from the Syrian Foreign Ministry told Al-Watan newspaper: Efforts to resume consular activities between Syria and Saudi Arabia continue and at the same time as the Saudi technical team headed by Ghazi bin Rafi al-Anzi arrived in Damascus to reopen the embassy of this country in the capital of Syria, the Damascus technical team headed by Mohammad Abu Sariyah, director of the legal department and international waters in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, arrived in Riyadh.

These sources stated that the Syrian embassy and the residence of diplomats have been severely damaged due to climatic factors, and the reconstruction of these places is underway by the Syrian team, and the Syrian technical team is coordinating with the Saudi side to prepare the country’s embassy in Riyadh to resume consular work as soon as possible.

After announcing the resumption of relations between Riyadh and Damascus, the Syrian technical team arrived in Riyadh for the first time on April 14 and held several meetings in order to resume consular activity in Saudi Arabia.

On May 9, Syria announced that it has resumed the work of its diplomatic mission in Saudi Arabia, hours after a similar statement was issued by Riyadh.

Read more:

Saudi Arabia and Syria resume the activities of their diplomatic missions

An official source in the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Nationals said: Based on the deep relations and common dependencies of the people of Syria and Saudi Arabia and in order to fulfill the aspirations of the people of the two countries and the belief of the Syrian Arab Republic in the importance of strengthening bilateral relations between the Arab countries that will serve the Arab common actions, the Syrian Arab Republic decided to work as its diplomatic representative.

Al-Watan also announced the appointment of the permanent representative of Syria in the Arab League and wrote: “Hossam al-Din Ala” was appointed as the permanent representative of Syria in the Arab League and the head of the Syrian diplomatic delegation in Cairo.

The appointment of “Ala” was made about a month after the decision of the Arab League to resume the participation of the Syrian delegation in the meetings of this union and for the first time after about 11 years after the decision to suspend Syria’s membership in the Arab League.

Before Syria’s membership in the Arab League was suspended, the late “Youssef Ahmed” was present as Syria’s representative in this league.

“Hossam al-Din Ala” was born in 1966 in Aleppo, Syria and represented Syria at the UN office and international organizations in Geneva for eight years, the Syrian ambassador to the Vatican, Spain and also a member of the Syrian diplomatic delegation to the United Nations in New York between 1996 and 2001 is one of his records.

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