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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The purpose of the UAE Foreign Minister’s visit to Syria

UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus on Tuesday evening and presented him with an invitation from Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed to visit the UAE.

“Abdullah bin Zayed”, who was the main signatory of the compromise agreement with the Zionist regime on behalf of the UAE regime with the former Prime Minister of the Zionist regime Benjamin Netanyahu on September 16, 2016, “Khalifa Shahin”, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, The UAE accompanied.

The Emirati delegation is the first high-ranking diplomatic delegation to travel to Damascus after more than 10 years, during the Syrian crisis.

Syrian sources have stated that the meeting discussed bilateral relations, the development of bilateral cooperation in various fields and common, increasing efforts to discover new horizons of this cooperation, especially in important areas to increase investment in these areas.

The meeting also reviewed the situation in the Arab and regional countries and Syria, and agreed to continue consultations and coordination on various issues and challenges facing the Arab countries in order to achieve the demands of the people of the region and their will away from any foreign interference.

Noting that the UAE has always stood by the Syrian people, the Syrian president stressed the “brotherly and strong ties between Syria and the UAE” since the time of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and praised the UAE’s realistic stance.

Speaking at the meeting, bin Zayed stressed the UAE’s support for stabilization efforts in Syria, saying that what happened in Syria affected all Arab countries.

Read more: Disclosure of US-UAE deal with al-Qaeda in Yemen; sending more terrorists to Ma’rib: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=14261

The Emirati official expressed confidence that Syria, under the leadership of Bashar al-Assad and the efforts of its people, will be able to overcome the problems caused by the war.

Lebanese journalist Sami Klib, editor-in-chief of Laaba al-Umm, said of the UAE foreign minister’s visit to Damascus that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was likely to visit the UAE soon after receiving an official invitation from Abu Dhabi.

Last October, Emirati media reported that Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed and Bashar al-Assad had made a phone call to cover events in the region.

But the repercussions of bin Zayed’s trip to Damascus have been accompanied by the silence of the Arab states in the Persian Gulf and at the same time by US dissatisfaction.

US State Department spokesman Ned Price on Tuesday evening expressed concern over the visit of UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed to Damascus and meeting with the Syrian president, saying: “The United States will not normalize or improve its relations with the Assad regime, nor will it support other countries in doing so.”

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