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Seyed Hassan Nasrallah: Trusting the United States is stupid / Accepting Washington dictates will not save Lebanon

The Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement stressed on Tuesday on the occasion of Al-Jarih Day (Veteran’s Day) that the United States has committed many crimes against the people of different countries and that trusting in this country is ignorance and stupidity.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, delivered a speech on Tuesday on the occasion of Al-Jarih Day (Veteran’s Day). The Lebanese Hezbollah movement announces the anniversary of the birth of Hazrat Abul-Fazl (AS) on the occasion of Veteran’s Day and celebrates the veterans of the resistance in Lebanon on this day.

At the beginning of his speech, the Secretary General of Hezbollah congratulated the month of Sha’ban and emphasized that Hezbollah is proud of its veterans and its patience and perseverance, and held this ceremony to thank them for their actions.

Addressing the Lebanese veterans, he said that Veterans’ Day is a day of thanksgiving to God: “You are the ones who guide to the right path. You are the one who guides people day and night and on every occasion. “The way to your salvation is in your determination and resistance.”

Nasrullah pointed out that Hazrat Abul-Fazl Al-Abbas (AS) continued on his path until he was martyred, and specified: “You were our flag bearers who did not miss the flag … The veterans who fought against Israel are a witness and a witness to the continuation of the resistance.”

The Secretary General of Hezbollah continued by emphasizing that awareness and insight is the most important thing for human beings that every Muslim human being should be equipped with: “Insight is knowing what is going on around you. It is to know friend and foe, to know threats and opportunities, to know where to stand, and to know the truth and to stand by the truth. “This is insight and awareness.”

Americans have committed many crimes in their wars
In the next part of his speech, he addressed the crisis in Ukraine and Russia and called it the most important development of the day and said: “The US envoy to Russia has said that any attack on civilians is a war crime … but what about the killings of Americans in all their wars?” From Hiroshima and Nagasaki, whose effects persist to this day, to Iraq and the killing of tens of thousands of Iraqi children … in Afghanistan and the killing of thousands of civilians in that country … American fighters even bombed weddings and turned them into “They mourned, but they claimed that they had bombed the training centers.”

Referring to the 70-year-old crimes of the Zionist regime in Palestine, Nasrallah noted: “What do the Americans have to say about the killings and war crimes of Israel in occupied Palestine? About the killing of the Saudi coalition in Yemen. “Why is the world silent about the siege of Yemen?”

Hezbollah’s secretary general continued by saying that the United States is not only not condemning Israel’s crimes, but also preventing a global condemnation: “There is daily evidence in the world that trusting Americans is ignorance and stupidity.”

There must be thousands of hearings to try the Americans and the British
Stressing that the lack of concern for the Yemeni people is due to the fact that the people of this country are not white, said: “Even those who are white are just tools for America … so there must be thousands of trials for Americans and Britons for their crimes.”

Criticizing the world’s silence over the martyrdom of worshipers in Peshawar, Pakistan, who were martyred by a suicide bomber, Nasrallah said: “The reason for this silence is that these suicide bombers are made by the United States and its intelligence service. And they work for the American project. “For this reason, it is becoming increasingly clear that American standards have nothing to do with human and moral values.”

Secretary General noted that political and economic interests only determine US positions and exploit events: “The world witnessed the US escape from Afghanistan a few months ago. The fugitive Afghan president had said that it was my mistake to trust the United States and its partners. “He did not listen to anyone and this situation happened to him.”

The United States and Britain pushed Ukraine into war
Stating that “Some European countries, including Germany and to some extent France, did not want the situation in Ukraine to be dragged here,” he said: “The United States and Britain pushed Ukraine into war; Because Biden also stated that the US priority is war with Russia and China. The US plan was to drag Ukraine into war in any way possible and to prevent any agreement between it and Russia.”

Nasrallah avoided the Ukrainian president’s remarks that the West had left the country alone, adding: “The President of Ukraine is disappointed today; because he did not see any help from the United States. The Americans even said they would not send a single soldier to Ukraine. “So the Ukrainian president is ready to consider Moscow’s demands.”

Accepting US dictates will not save Lebanon
Hezbollah’s secretary general, while criticizing the treatment of refugees who are present in the West and are treated inappropriately based on religion, race and color, continued: “Today, if anyone can penetrate the hearts and minds of the Ukrainian authorities, they will feel the culmination and defeat. So Zelensky realized that the person he had counted on and trusted had seen that he had been left alone. This is a lesson.”

In another part of his remarks, he addressed the issue of Lebanon and addressed the Lebanese officials and people: “Obeying US dictates will not save Lebanon, but will add to its problems. If you are seeking the consent of the United States, you must know that you will not succeed; because the demands of this country have no limits. “But the question is what will you get in return for accepting American dictates?”

Referring to Lebanon’s official stance against Russia and in support of the United States, Nasrallah stated: “Lebanon’s interest was to abstain. Lebanon must tell the United States and its embassy that we are not your slaves … The Lebanese statement was passed on to the US embassy, and the United States asked Lebanon to be more strict. That is, the Lebanese statement was written at the US embassy. “This is credible.”

Asked why in the past Lebanese officials wanted neutrality, but now they are not on the side of Russia, Hezbollah’s secretary general stressed: “When Lebanon issued a statement in support of the United States, why did the claimants of neutrality remain silent in the face of the Lebanese statement?” We say we should take a stand, but in some cases we should refrain, and in some cases we should take a stand. So everything we hear about neutrality is merely an excuse to evade religious, moral, human responsibilities; “Lebanon’s responsibility for the Arab-Israeli conflict, for the Palestinian people and its sanctuaries, and for the world war against Syria.”

The Lebanese people got nothing from the United States except a false promise
He denied any wrongdoing by Hezbollah over the Lebanese government’s decisions: “Some Lebanese political spectrums have no election agenda other than false slogans about Hezbollah’s domination. Therefore, they chanted that the people should not vote for Hezbollah in order to take control of the government. These are lies. If Hezbollah was in control of the government’s decisions, would it be possible for the State Department to issue such a statement about Russia? “If so, was it possible for Lebanon to vote for the United States at the United Nations?”

Asked what the Lebanese people got from the Americans, Nasrallah said, except for a false promise: “The United States has made many promises about oil and electricity, but which one has it fulfilled?” Did you know that so far, the US State Department has not written to Egypt and Jordan that they are exempt from Caesar’s law so that they can import electricity and fuel? “Where do these illusions come from?”

Stating that “The US embassy will not allow Lebanon to respond to the Russian company’s offer,” he said: “Russia has told Lebanese officials that if you sign a contract with us, we will supply you with gas and you will no longer need Egypt, but they still refused. The United States will not allow Lebanon to turn to Russia and will not offer an alternative. With this mentality, gas, electricity and oil products cannot be supplied. So if Hezbollah was in control of the government, a year and a half ago, it would have accepted Russia’s offer.”

Asking Lebanese officials to accept the proposals, Nasrallah concluded: “We call on the Lebanese government to deal with hoarding, price increases and imprisonment of monopolies. The rest of the Lebanese who are in Ukraine must be saved. “We call on the Lebanese government to have the least degree of independence, freedom and nationalism, and to think about the interests of the country.”

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