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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Saudi Opposition: Muhammad bin Salman is the next Saddam Hussein in the region

One of the opponents of the ruling regime in Saudi Arabia stressed that if the Crown Prince “continues to work, we will see a new Saddam Hussein in the region.”

Omar Abdul Aziz, one of Saudi Arabia’s opponents, stressed the need to remove Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Abdul Aziz said that if bin Salman “continues his work, we will see a new Saddam Hussein in the region.”

Al-Khaleej Al-Jadeed news website quoted the Saudi opposition as saying: “We have alternatives in the House of Saud, although I do not like them, but the release of some of them will put pressure on Muhammad bin Salman.”

“We want to speak freely in Saudi Arabia,” he said. “We are not against bin Salman’s reforms … but reform can be done without killing people and detaining thousands.”

Abdul Aziz clarified: “We need to do more. Muhammad bin Salman must be personally sanctioned. “He does not seem to have learned from the past.”

Stating that efforts should be made to oust bin Salman, the Saudi opposition noted that bin Salman was “not a threat to Saudi Arabia alone, but a threat to the entire region.”

He expressed satisfaction with the current US administration’s decision to lift the secrecy of the report on the assassination of Jamal Khashgechi, a journalist critical of Al Saud, and stressed that the message of Khashgechi’s murder at the Riyadh consulate in Istanbul was: “We will pursue you and you will not be safe.”

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