29.2 C
Monday, June 17, 2024

Palestinian resistance missiles paralyzed the lives of millions of Zionists

Zionist sources report serious problems in the daily lives of millions of settlers following the rocket attacks by the Palestinian resistance.

Following the missile response of the Palestinian resistance to the crimes of the occupying Zionist regime against the Palestinians in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, today the lives of millions of Zionist settlers faced serious problems. In this regard, the activities of the regime’s schools have been suspended and millions of settlers are in the shelter for fear of resistance missiles. In addition, trains have stopped moving between the towns of Asqalan and Beer al-Saba, as well as the stations of Sedirut, Netifut, and Wafakim.

According to Zionist sources, the army of this regime has started deploying artillery batteries in the Gaza Strip this morning.

Zionist TV Channel 11 reported that by the order of the headquarters of the Zionist regime’s internal front, the Zionist training activities in the forty kilometers of the Gaza Strip border have been suspended and these trainings will be held virtually.

The Israeli Ministry of Education announced that half a million Israeli students could not attend class this morning. Also, the sports competitions that were supposed to be held tonight have been postponed until further notice.

Also following the protests that took place in the occupied territories last night, the Minister of Internal Security of the Zionist regime, Amir Ohana, and senior officials of the regime decided to deploy eight battalions of the Border Reserve Police to strengthen the Israeli police and border guards in to occupy all of occupied Palestine.

The Palestinian Resistance today launched a new round of rocket attacks on the occupied territories, firing dozens of new missiles.

The Palestinian resistance has targeted a new round of rocket attacks on the occupied territories with 20 rockets in the occupied territories of Asqalan, media reported.

The Israeli army radio reported that 26 Israelis were wounded in the Palestinian resistance rocket attacks on the occupied territories, one of them in critical condition.

In this regard, the Israeli newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth” wrote: The missiles fired by Hamas at Jerusalem revealed new facts that Israel could not tolerate, and had immediate consequences for what happened in the areas of Jerusalem and the West Bank and possibly the northern borders of Israel. And the Arab public opinion inside is facing it, and it raises questions about Israel’s military deterrent power.

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