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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Israel: Hamas, Iran and Ansarullah are present in Saudi Arabia, but we are not

Pak Sahafat – Zionist sources reported Tel Aviv’s anger towards the presence of Iranian pilgrims and delegations from Hamas and Yemen’s Ansarullah in Saudi Arabia.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report, in the shadow of the developments in the region that are not in Tel Aviv’s favor, the Zionist media expressed their anger and sadness regarding the impasse that has arisen for a compromise with Saudi Arabia.

These media emphasized that while delegations from Hamas, Iran and Ansarullah have gone to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj rituals, there is no direct flight between the Zionist regime and Saudi Arabia.

Rouei Kais, the reporter of the Zionist Kan channel, said that this year, there is no direct flight between Tel Aviv and Riyadh to perform Hajj rituals, despite the fact that tens of thousands of Iranians and delegations from Yemen’s Ansarullah, as well as delegations from the Hamas movement, including the West Bank operations engineer “Saleh al-Aroori”, are present in Saudi Arabia.

Recently, Zionist media announced that despite the efforts made, this year there will be no direct flight between the Zionist regime and Saudi Arabia to transport pilgrims, and the possibility of normalizing relations between this regime and Riyadh in the near future with the mediation of the United States is very low.

According to experts, the disillusioned Zionist regime has tried to exploit the possibility of compromise with Saudi Arabia in recent months to use the issue of transferring Palestinian pilgrims to the Hajj rituals as an excuse to establish a direct flight between occupied Palestine and Saudi Arabia, but the door has been closed.

Also, “Tasahi Hengbi”, the internal security adviser of the Zionist regime, in an interview with Radio Kan, emphasized that it is difficult to reach a compromise with Saudi Arabia, because this depends on the end of the tension between Riyadh and Washington.

Read more:

Britain’s claim: We support the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, subject to the establishment of peace in Yemen

He said that we believe that the Saudi-American agreement is a prelude to any Zionist-Saudi compromise, but the chance of this happening is very low.

According to this report, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken emphasized during his recent visit to Saudi Arabia that his country will continue its efforts to reach a compromise between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime in the coming days, weeks and months.

On the other hand, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said that Washington only has until March 2024 to meet Saudi Arabia’s demands for compromise, because the United States will be busy with presidential elections after that date.

Zionist news sources recently claimed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Zionist regime, Eli Cohen, had a conversation with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, with the mediation of Bahrain, regarding the normalization of relations between Riyadh and Tel Aviv.

Among the demands put forth by Riyadh in this conversation, is the granting of facilities to the West Bank and the withdrawal of the Zionist army from the West Bank in favor of the Palestinian Authority.

Several American officials in an interview with the Hebrew-language newspaper “Yediot Aharonot” announced about this: the reports about progress in the negotiations to reach an agreement to normalize relations between “Israel” and Saudi Arabia are not true.

In this regard, the head of the Security Council of the Zionist regime denied the published news about direct negotiations between Netanyahu and Bin Salman in recent months.

Since Israel’s far-right cabinet took office, most Arab countries that had begun normalizing relations with Israel as part of the Abraham Accords have largely halted the process.

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