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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Islamic Jihad: Zionists fleeing from “Bita” is a continuation of “Saif Al-Quds”

A spokesman for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement described the victory of Palestinian youth in the West Bank for the Zionists fleeing a town along with the victory of Operation Saif al-Quds in the Gaza resistance.

“Tariq Salmi,” the spokesman for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, said today (Saturday, July 3) in response to the Palestinians’ success in fleeing Zionist settlers from a settlement in the West Bank: “The victory of the revolutionary youth in the town of Bita is in line with the victory of [Operation] Saif al-Quds.”

The 12-day clash between the Zionist regime and the Palestinian resistance groups began on Monday, May 10, after the end of the resistance strike in Tel Aviv over the need to end the attacks in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and continued until the morning of Friday, May 20. The Zionist regime martyred Palestinian women and children with brutal attacks on residential areas. In response to these crimes, Palestinian resistance groups, dubbed “Saif al-Quds,” targeted the regime’s positions with large-scale rocket attacks, failing to intercept many of the rockets.

According to the Palestine Al Youm he added: The Palestinian people are advancing through resistance, and they are achieving successive victories on a path that ends only with the recapture and liberation of the Palestinian land.

A spokesman for the Islamic Jihad movement stressed that the colonial settlement project has been expanded under the guise of negotiations and security coordination. This project is now being destroyed in the face of the resistance of the revolutionary youth and their use of the methods of resistance initiated by the revolutionaries in the fields of jihad and stability.

He stated that the Palestinian people are now facing long and obvious periods and periods of confrontation with the Zionist occupier. The experience of the revolutionary youth in Bita has become a model to be repeated in the face of Judaism and settlement.

He further congratulated the revolutionary youth of the West Bank on this victory and their insistence on continuing the method of resistance until the liberation of all of Palestine from the settlers.

The Zionist settlers left the town of Avitar, south of Nablus, on Friday (July 2). The cabinet of Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and the settlers agreed to temporarily evacuate Avatar so that the settlement could be evacuated without being demolished.

The town is located on Jabal Sabih in the town of Bita (south of Nablus), to which about fifty families of Zionist settlers have recently relocated. The youth of the town of Bita, south of Nablus, after 66 days of popular resistance and the use of night rage operations, went against the settler who is infiltrating their lands.

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