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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Islamic Jihad: If we participate in the elections, we will choose the option of resistance

Jamil Alian stated that the Islamic Jihad movement’s decision in this regard will be announced after the Cairo summit, but if we want to participate in it, the movement’s supporters will vote for the resistance.

Alian said that any decision of the Islamic Jihad movement in this regard would be based on national interests, adding that the Cairo summit would be held three days later and would discuss the issue of the National Assembly and the reconstruction of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Regarding the National Assembly elections, he said that the movement’s position on participating in the structure of the Liberation Organization would be based on its political agenda, so the movement would not run in any elections based on Oslo or political programs based on dialogue with the occupiers.

Alyan said that it is difficult for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement to run in elections that are related to the positions of the Palestinian Authority, so we hope that a single plan will be drawn up by Palestinian groups to continue the resistance and not recognize the occupiers.

On the other hand, Mohammad Al-Hindi, the head of the movement’s political bureau, said that the Zionist regime freely detains any Palestinian it wants in the West Bank and that the Palestinian Authority’s security coordination with the Zionist regime is holding the resistance accountable.

In an interview with Al-Aqsa satellite channel, he added that popular activity is the same as resisting the Zionist regime’s attacks in the West Bank, the Palestinian resistance is the tip of the arrow against the enemies, and Hamas and Islamic Jihad are at the heart of this resistance.

Al-Hindi said that our relationship with Hamas is based on coordination through the High Coordination Committee, and we coordinate with this movement at all levels, and we must expand this relationship.

He added that Hamas, through its resistance, guarantees the continuation of the resistance and supports the Palestinian people.

Al-Hindi congratulated Hamas on holding internal elections and called for success in leading Gaza.

A member of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement praised the Hague tribunal’s decision to prosecute Zionist war criminals, but warned that the enemy could use its influence and international relations to prevent its implementation.

Al-Hindi said that the duty of the Palestinian Authority is to prosecute the occupiers for their war crimes in Gaza, and we hope that this organization will take a stronger position than before in this regard.

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