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Friday, June 14, 2024

Abdul Malik al-Houthi: Today, everyone in the world is talking about the defeat of the aggressors against Yemen

According to the Pak Sahafat news agency, quoting Al-Masira, “Abdul Malik al-Houthi,” the leader of the Yemeni Ansarullah movement, said in his Ramadan speech: One of the most important blessings of patience, in addition to being a great act of worship, is that it is an important weapon against the enemy.

According to the report, the Yemeni Ansarullah leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi said: “The enemy is trying to weaken the Islamic Ummah and force it to surrender by resorting to sanctions.”

The main reason for this effort is that the enemy seeks to weaken the spirit of the Islamic Ummah and disappoint it.

Read more:

Ansarullah: Fugitive Yemeni president’s resignation puts an end to UN support for aggressors

The leader of the Ansarullah movement stated: Very important results are achieved when the Islamic Ummah raises its will, seriousness and sense of responsibility and the enemy sees the conscious reaction of the Ummah. In such a situation, it is the enemy who feels despair and hopelessness.

He stated: The great people of Yemen have resisted since the beginning of the aggression of the Saudi coalition, despite the many crimes of this regime and its cruel siege, and it is with the patience of our nation that the enemy has reached a dead end and has suffered an obvious defeat. Today, the whole world is convinced of this defeat and is talking about it.

Al-Houthi added: The aggressors against Yemen failed to achieve their goals. They suffered defeat and failure. Patience and perseverance cause the enemy to finally come to the conclusion that his tools do not work.

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