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Monday, June 17, 2024

Models deserve all the credit for making fashion shows successful, Imran Ashraf

With more and more celebrities walking down the fashion runway as show stoppers for designers, there’s one actor who knows where the real credit lies. The Dil Mom Ka Diya star, who walked as a showstopper for designer label Umsha by Uzma Babar at the Bridal Couture Week that took place over the weekend, took to Instagram after his stint on the runway to praise models who, according to him, make the show successful.

He shared a video of himself walking down the runway with fellow actor Yumna Zaidi to applause from the crowd. “This applause is solely for the models of the fashion week you deserve all the credit for making the show successful,” he said. Imran Ashraf went on to call them the ‘real players of ramp shows’, adding that celebrities are mere guests to the events. “It’s the models who are the real kings and queens who deserve all the appreciation,” he wrote.

Various models thanked Ashraf in the comments for being considerate of their hard work and for the much-deserved shoutout. “Thank you for speaking up for the backbone of our fashion shows!” wrote model Mushk Kaleem who walked the Milan Fashion Week runway in 2019. “Our models deserve so much applause and thank you for bringing that to everyone’s notice,” she added.

Model Fahmeen Ansari also commented: “This means a lot! Someone finally spoke up. Immense respect for a star like you.” Maha Tahirani, an up and coming model, also chimed in, writing, “This means so much! Absolutely glad to hear it & pleasured to have people like you to look up to.”

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