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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Amnesty International has called for the immediate release of prominent Saudi dissidents

Amnesty International issued a statement calling on Riyadh authorities to release Sheikh Salman al-Awda, a prominent Saudi opposition figure.

According to the Pak Sahafat news agency, quoting Al-Ahd, Amnesty International issued a statement regarding the continuation of the detention of “Sheikh Salman Al-Awda”, a prominent Saudi dissident, in Saudi prisons.

According to the report, Amnesty International in a statement called for the immediate release of this prominent figure and Saudi opposition. The organization has stressed that Al-Awda’s physical condition is not good and that he should be released as soon as possible.

The organization has also stated that Sheikh Salman is in danger of execution, but a Saudi court has always postponed the sentencing hearing of this opposition figure. We demand the release of Sheikh Salman.

Abdullah al-Awda, the son of Salman al-Awda, recently announced that his father had lost half of his sight and hearing due to torture in prison by the Saudi military.

He added: My father is still in solitary confinement, more than three years after his arrest, and is being tortured and denied serious treatment. He had previously warned of the inhumane conditions at Al-Haier Prison in Riyadh and the brutal treatment of detainees.

Abdullah emphasized: The reason for my father’s arrest was the publication of a Twitter post about relations between Saudi Arabia and Qatar. He believed that reconciliation was the best way to resolve the crisis in Qatar, but was arrested by security forces a few days after the post was published.

He stated: So far, 37 charges have been filed against my father. The Saudi government must carry out real reforms and release my father along with other political prisoners.

In September 2017, Saudi authorities arrested a number of prominent Saudi missionaries and activists, including Salman al-Awda, Awad al-Qarni, and Ali al-Omari, on charges of terrorism and conspiracy against the government. In addition to Salman al-Awda, Saudi activist Lejin al-Hadhloul, who is currently being held in a Saudi prison, has been subjected to physical torture.

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