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Request of international organizations to Al Khalifa for the active freedom of human rights

Pak Sahafat – Several international human rights organizations requested the Al Khalifa of Bahrain to release a human rights activist due to his deteriorating condition.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, Bahraini and international human rights organizations asked the authorities of Al Khalifa to release “Abdul Jalil Al Sankis”, a human rights activist and professor at the Bahraini University, due to his deteriorating physical condition.

Bahraini and international human rights organizations sent a letter under the leadership of Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain and Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad of Bahrain.

These human rights organizations demanded the immediate and unconditional release of Abdul Jalil al-Sanqis and the implementation of their demands to ensure that this Bahraini activist is kept in conditions in accordance with international standards and under proper health care and receives his medicine without delay.

Abdul Jalil Al Sankis is an academic figure, human rights activist and award-winning blogger who is serving a life sentence in Bahrain simply for exercising freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.

This letter coincides with January 15, which is the 61st birthday of Al-Senkis and the 12th year he has been in detention.

On August 13, 2022, these international human rights organizations requested the release of Abdul Jalil al-Sanqis in a letter to the King of Bahrain.

These organizations emphasized that Abdul Jalil Al-Senkis does not have enough health and medical care and is under torture and ill-treatment by the prison authorities.

The letter states that the prominent Bahraini activist’s physical condition is alarming after a year and a half since he began his hunger strike on July 8, 2021, in response to the confiscation of his book by prison authorities. The government of Bahrain announced that the documents about which this prisoner went on hunger strike were confiscated when he was taken out of prison, and this is against applicable laws and procedures.

According to the report of international human rights organizations, Abdul Jalil Sankis only consumed one multivitamin supplement, tea, water and salt during his hunger strike, and there is deep concern about his physical condition.

According to the letter from the human rights organizations, this prominent Bahraini activist suffers from poor eyesight, pain and inflammation in the joints, tremors and prostate problems, and in recent months, his problems have worsened. There is concern about medical negligence against Abdul Jalil Al-Sankis.

Read more:

Members of the Human Rights Council: Al-Khalifa should release the political prisoners of Bahrain

International human rights organizations emphasized: Abdul Jalil al-Sankis is kept in solitary confinement, where he is not allowed to go outside and be exposed to sunlight or receive physical therapy. He is also under medical negligence and this is against international law.

On December 14, the European Parliament passed an urgent resolution calling for the release of Elsenkis, along with other prisoners who were arrested and convicted simply for exercising their right to freedom of expression.

Abdul Jalil Al-Sankis is serving his sentence in the notorious “Jo” prison. He suffers from complications of anemia and shortness of breath. He suffered from polio in his childhood and has to use crutches and has severe chest pain and hand tremors.

During his detention, he was repeatedly subjected to medical negligence, which is the common approach of the Bahraini authorities to punish and torture political prisoners.

According to the report of the Independent Investigation Commission of Bahrain, this Bahraini activist has been brutally tortured after his arrest, including repeated beatings, sexual harassment and threats to sexually harass his wife and daughter.

This is while the people of Bahrain demanded the release of freedom of expression and political prisoners in this country by holding peaceful demonstrations in recent days.

Yesterday, more than 160 political prisoners in building No. 10 of Jo central prison complained in a letter to the authorities of this country about the problems and the difficult conditions in these prisons.

Bahrain has been involved in a wave of Islamic awakening since 2011. The people of this country protested against Al-Khalifa’s despotic and dependent actions, but the result of this process was arrest, imprisonment, torture and execution for the freedom fighters who are still present in the battle scene.

In the recent period, the criticism of human rights organizations against a number of Western governments has increased due to their positions on the Bahraini regime and the lack of attention to the violations committed in Manama; Especially since the condition of a number of detainees and prisoners in Bahrain is reported to be critical and the Al Khalifa regime’s repressions have intensified.

In the last decade, Bahrain has arrested about 15,000 people because of their political beliefs, thus becoming the first Arab country with the highest number of prisoners in recent years, with about 4,500 political detainees in dire conditions.

Political prisoners in Bahrain were subjected to torture and persecution, the Al-Khalifa regime silences any dissenting voice through detention, torture and execution.

The inappropriate conditions of Bahraini prisons due to the spread of disease among the detainees and not providing them with adequate medical care and the problem of overcrowding have caused the death of a number of them. In November 2015, about 2,500 prisoners were registered in Jo prison, which had only 2 doctors, one per shift.

Human rights groups have repeatedly condemned the Al-Khalifa regime for suppressing the opposition and demanded reforms in the country’s political system.

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